

Optimizing IoT Tank Level Gauging with the V-LD1 Sensor

As industries increasingly turn to Internet of Things (IoT) solutions for monitoring and managing assets, the need for precise, low-power sensors becomes more crucial. The V-LD1 sensor, with its advanced 61GHz FMCW radar technology, stands out as an excellent choice for OEM integrators and IoT applications. This post explores how the V-LD1 sensor, coupled with its evaluation kit lens, is perfectly suited for battery-driven tank level gauging systems and cloud-based data logging.

Why the V-LD1 Sensor is a Game-Changer for IoT Applications

Low Power Consumption

The V-LD1 sensor is engineered with ultra-low power consumption, making it ideal for battery-operated devices. Operating with a single 1.8V power supply, the sensor ensures minimal energy usage without compromising performance. This feature is particularly advantageous for IoT applications where power efficiency is paramount, allowing for extended battery life and reduced maintenance.

Compact and Integrative Design

With its ultra-small form factor of 12mm × 16mm, the V-LD1 fits seamlessly into space-constrained environments. Its compact design enables easy integration into various OEM systems, from small IoT devices to more extensive tank monitoring setups.

High Precision and Versatility

The V-LD1 provides millimeter-level accuracy, essential for accurate tank level measurement. Its ability to measure distances up to 50 meters and its compatibility with a plastic lens for focused detection make it versatile for different tank sizes and types. This high precision ensures reliable data collection for real-time monitoring and cloud-based logging.

Combining V-LD1 with a Plastic Lens

The V-LD1 sensor’s capabilities are significantly enhanced when used with the evaluation kit’s plastic lens, which focuses the radar beam to 8 × 8 degrees. This focused beam is particularly beneficial for tank level gauging, where precise measurements are critical. For applications requiring even more focused beams, RFbeam offers the development of custom lens designs. Additionally, RFbeam provides full integrations of the lens into custom housings, ensuring optimal performance for specific needs. The lens is a vital component for tank level gauging, providing several key benefits:

Enhanced Accuracy

The lens focuses the radar beam, allowing for more precise detection of tank levels. A focused beam reduces the observed spot on the measured medium, increasing measurement accuracy.

Extended Detection Range

By narrowing the radar beam, the lens significantly improves the effective measurement distance, making it suitable for larger tanks. Acting like a directional antenna, the lens enhances the overall Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR) of the system, allowing for precise measurements even in large tanks.

Minimized Interference

By concentrating the beam, the lens reduces the detection of agitators and other internal tank objects that might otherwise create false readings or noise. This focused detection ensures that the measurements are primarily influenced by the liquid level, improving the accuracy of tank level readings.

Setting Up the V-LD1 for IoT Applications

The V-LD1 can be seamlessly integrated onto any OEM PCB using a standard SMT reflow process. Operating on a single 1.8V power supply, it ensures low power consumption, making it ideal for battery-operated systems. Once powered, the sensor defaults to a SLEEP mode to conserve energy. It remains in this low-power state until the host system, such as a microcontroller unit (MCU), sends a command to start a measurement. This command wakes the sensor momentarily to perform a measurement before it returns to SLEEP mode, optimizing power usage.

The V-LD1 communicates via a serial interface, allowing you to receive distance measurement data and configure the sensor as needed. You can also access advanced processing data, such as raw ADC and FFT values, or perform firmware updates through the integrated bootloader. This flexibility supports various IoT applications by enabling real-time data collection and adjustments based on your specific needs.

Key Configuration Parameters for Tank Level Gauging

When setting up the V-LD1 sensor for tank level gauging, several key configuration parameters can be adjusted to optimize the sensor’s performance for your specific needs:

Distance Range

The sensor allows you to set the maximum unambiguous distance measurement range, with options of 20 meters or 50 meters. The resolution depends on whether high precision mode is enabled. In low precision mode, the resolution is 3.934 cm at 20 meters and 9.943 cm at 50 meters. In high precision mode, the resolution is typically 1 mm with an accuracy of ±5 mm for both range settings.


By default, the sensor operates in high precision mode, delivering millimeter-level accuracy for distance measurements. This mode can be turned off to reduce computation time and power consumption, which can be advantageous for less demanding applications.

Distance Filter

You can configure a minimum and maximum distance range to filter out unwanted targets. This filter adjusts the search area in the FFT spectrum, enabling you to focus on specific distance ranges of interest or exclude objects at the bottom of the tank or near the top, depending on your needs.

Target Filter

The target filter parameter allows you to choose which target to measure. Options include measuring the distance to the strongest target above the threshold, the nearest target, or the farthest target. This feature helps ensure that the sensor captures the most relevant measurement based on your application requirements.

Threshold Offset

This parameter sets the distance in dB between the raw FFT data floor and the threshold line. Lowering the offset increases sensitivity, making the sensor more responsive to weaker signals, while raising the offset reduces sensitivity, helping to filter out less significant measurements.

Chirp Integration Count

This feature controls the number of FMCW sweeps integrated per measurement, which can lower the noise floor. This is particularly useful for measuring low-reflective materials like grain or animal feed. Increasing the chirp integration count reduces the FFT noise floor and improves the signal-to-noise ratio, though it also extends measurement time and increases power consumption.


The V-LD1 sensor, with its advanced 61GHz FMCW radar technology, represents a significant advancement for IoT-based tank level gauging applications. Its ultra-low power consumption, compact design, and high precision make it a standout choice for OEM integrators aiming to implement efficient, reliable, and accurate tank monitoring systems. The integration of the V-LD1 sensor with the evaluation kit’s plastic lens further enhances its capabilities, offering improved accuracy, extended detection range, and minimized interference.

By leveraging the V-LD1’s configurable parameters, such as distance range, precision mode, and target filtering options, you can tailor the sensor to meet the specific requirements of your tank level gauging application. These features not only optimize measurement accuracy but also ensure that the sensor adapts effectively to varying tank sizes and conditions.

With its easy integration into IoT systems and the ability to work seamlessly with battery-operated setups, the V-LD1 sensor enables real-time data collection and efficient cloud-based monitoring. Whether you are developing a new tank level gauging system or upgrading an existing one, the V-LD1 sensor provides the flexibility and performance needed to meet modern industry demands.

Embrace the future of tank level monitoring with the V-LD1 sensor and experience the benefits of precise, low-power radar technology tailored for your IoT applications.


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