About us
Who we are
RFbeam Microwave is a leading supplier of planar radar sensors and radio frequency engineering services based in eastern Switzerland. Our product range includes simple, inexpensive Doppler sensors as well as highly integrated imaging radar devices.
RFbeam Microwave GmbH
Schuppisstrasse 7
CH-9016 St. Gallen
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Last updated 2016
Company history
Establishment of Ecom Engineering by Klaus (CEO) and Léon (Engineering Director)
Ecom is a small, powerful and highly respected engineering office for electronics and high-frequency technology. We develop hardware and software for complete or partial systems on behalf of our clients, but also engage in studies and expertise.
Relocation from Goldach to Farbgutstrasse in St.Gallen
Foundation of the sister company RFbeam Microwave
At that time there are 3 employees: Klaus, Léon and René
The goal is to utilize the expertise accumulated so far in products and bring them to market.
The first analog radar module
K-LC1 is sold.
Start of collaboration with our first distributor in the UK
Competent partners represent us in China, Germany, the UK, and Norway by now
Acquisition of all projects of Ecom Engineering by RFbeam
The existing expertise in the RF domain is increasingly utilized in customer projects, with the share of total revenue now exceeding 30%.